Prehistoric Wiki

Tyrannosaurus was a Late Cretaceous theropod, and almost certainly the most popular and famous dinosaur. It was one of the most formidible dinosaurus, capable of catching and killing virtually all dinosaurs of it's time.

Tyrannosaurus Size

Tyrannosaurus was obviously a giant flesh-eater. It's average length was around 41 feet, but the largest skeleton, Celeste, reached 45 feet long, almost half the length of a basketball court! However, though, it wasn't the largest theropod.

Anatomy of Tyrannosaurus

Tyrannosaurus had the largest brain compared to it's body size of any theropod. This enabled it to be a effective hunter. Surprisingly, 65% of that made it's olfactory bulb, in other words, 65% of that made up the organ that enables smelling! This indicates that it was a exellent smeller, picking up scents from miles away. It's jaws were also interesting. It teeth were also very thick, and spaced close together. This suggests that it had strong, crushing jaws. Tests have shown that it had a bite force of a whopping 3,000 pounds per square inch, enough to crush a truck! It's teeth were not sharp, but it did not need them to be. Instead, it used the sheer force in it's jaws to crush the prey, then used it's 9 inch teeth to rip out a chunck of flesh. It could tear out a quarter of a ton of meat in one bite! T-Rex
